What makes him want to be your hero
What is the secret to captivating a man’s heart and having him want to be your hero?
In this article, I’m going to share how I teach my clients how to inspire desire, adoration, and the fierce loyalty from the man they want.
How do I do that? Remember those enchanting Disney movies from your childhood, where the hero would rescue the damsel in distress and they would live happily ever after?
It’s time to revive that dream, for you can indeed have a strong, secure man who longs to be your hero. The problem is that what men like and what they say they like are often quite different. This is incredibly confusing to a woman who works so hard to be easy going and pleasant. Often she gives, even when she is tired and feels neglected and yet it doesn’t seem like enough to keep the passion burning.
It’s time to unlock the secrets and give your love story the chance it deserves.
Give a man what he really wants…the opposite of what he asks for.
A strong, secure man doesn’t seek competition; but he thrives on winning. For him, overcoming a challenge and capturing a woman is what makes him feel powerful. Notice how different this sounds versus many modern advice which tells women to be more easy going and not create any drama?
Please hear this – a strong secure man doesn’t mind drama, in fact without he craves it with one exception. If there is a problem to be solved, he expects his lady to let him solve the problem or don’t complain about it. When he does solve the problem (even if that means just sitting and listening to her), it’s crucial that it feels like his idea and accomplishment. This is where things can get a bit tricky. All those well-intentioned suggestions and instructions from a woman can actually hinder the man’s heroic instincts. It makes him feel as if he’s done something wrong, shutting down his sense of adventure and the desire to please. It’s like being back in grade school with the English teacher pointing a crooked finger. which is why
A woman can never convince a man to love her.
There’s nothing wrong with communicating your likes and dislikes. However, the real question is: Do you want to inspire him, or do you simply want to educate him?
The most captivating women, those who have a hypnotic and alluring effect on men, understand that a strong, secure man is motivated by the emotions a woman stirs within him, more than her words. It is from this deep emotional place in his heart that he is inspired to make her happy and attentive to her needs.
Instead, ignite his deep emotions:
To make a man feel desire for a woman, he must hear and feel a woman’s emotions. Keeping them to herself doesn’t give him the reward he is seeking.When he does something that you absolutely adore, don’t hold back. A simple “thank you” is fine, but what he truly craves is your emotional response. Did you absolutely love it? Let him know. If his action made you feel special, express it without hesitation. Why don’t more women do this?
Because it’s vulnerable
Expressing emotions feels vulnerable, and many women have been conditioned to believe that being “too emotional” or “needy” is undesirable. Consequently, they become more logical and guard their emotions. While this may serve them well in their careers, it hinders their relationships. They fall into the trap of the giving pit.
Beware of the Giving Pit
In an attempt to please the man they desire, some women focus on doing rather than receiving.
Often women feel that expressing their emotions feels too vulnerable. Instead, they fall back on what is more familiar – giving. When giving becomes their default approach, they soon find that no matter how much they give he begins to take her kindness for granted instead of him realizing how lucky he is to have her in his life.
Over time this imbalance causes a man to resent the very thing he claimed he wanted. Having a woman giving to him destroys the very passion both seek. Over time, the man may even start to feel like she’s his mother, and the initial affection begins to fade when the thrill of pursuing her is gone.
Men love this more – “The Campfire Effect.”
Imagine if you could effortlessly attract a man without compromising. The good news is that you can. You already possess the qualities that inspire a man to be your hero within your heart. I know it may sound cliché, but hear me out. I’ve shown thousands of women how to use the Campfire Effect on a man without having to change who they are or learn “magical phrases.” When a man experiences the Campfire Effect he feels an unconscious desire to make a woman happy. He longs to that woman and a hero for her. He picks up the phone and calls (not just sends a text) because he’s thinking her.
And the best part is it doesn’t matter how old the woman is, how pretty she is, or her body type or whether a woman is outgoing or shy. The Campfire Effect which has made so many men stampede across thorns for a woman who knows this power. What is it and can anyone learn it? Click here for the quick video which gives women the glamor and allure of the campfire effect.