Wait! You are almost done. Please read everything on this page very carefully…
But before that, Since you’ve made such a great decision, I want to help you make an even better one right now. I want to show you how you can further accelerate your success levelwith men & relationships. So I expect you to pay close attention to the following.
Let me show you how you can get
The Platinum Level Enhanced Training
This offer is only available as a bonus. Here is what you get…
Course 1:
The Intimacy Trigger – Retail $49

In this course you will discover…
– Why you don’t create passion in a man, you unleash it. It’s a critical mistake women make every day that literally turns a man “OFF” completely. …
The 2 trigger points that unleash a man’s emotional desires. Once these are activated, he’ll spend every free moment thinking about you.
– My “back door” approach to getting into his heart. Why most women try the Front Door…which just makes him feel like he’s being smothered.
Why making him feel SAFE is so critical. Please don’t try this without letting me explain it to you first -If you do this wrong he’ll think you’re insulting him.
– And much, much more.
#2: Advanced Personalized Video Instruction of The Woman Men Adore

I’ll walk you through this entire course and answer some of the most common questions that I’ve heard from women over the years.
You’ll get detail explantions from me personally, with in depth insights that I’ve personally taught to my 1 on 1 clients.

Retail Value: $119
#3: Bring Him Closer by Giving up “Control”
Learn what “control” looks like in a romantic relationship, and the reasons so many of us do it to our men;
Understand the difference between getting your needs met, and controlling energy;
Experience a powerful visualization exercise to help you release the need to control;
Learn concrete strategies for giving up control and, through that, bringing your man closer.

Retail Value: $197
Course #4 – The Bonding Stages
Inside I’ll show you…
-How to create a bond that last a lifetime. *This is very powerful, so use with care.*
-When he has doubts, how to make him feel he can’t live without you.
-How to know exactly what phase you are in with the man you love.
-The key that will determine whether he views you as Convenient or Expensive.
-Why you can NEVER let him take you for granted, and how to avoid this.
– And much, much more.

Worth: $49
Course 5:
From Anger To Tenderness – Retail $49
Discover the secret to make conflict a moment of intimacy

In this course you will discover…
– The 1 thing you can do that slowly melts his anger…
Why a man can’t TRUST you if you can’t “handle” his anger
– Why you actually want him to get angry when he’s upset. *Hint* It leads to him realizing you’re the only woman for him.
Anger is a feeling – a temper is what you do with it
– What to say that will make him melt like a school boy in love.
– And much, much more.
Yes Bob, I definitely want to take advantage of this one time only massive discount offer. Please add the above courses to my order for a one time only payment of just $97.
(Warning: If you choose this option then you might never see this one time only offer again & will miss out on this incredible discount opportunity.)
If you have any questions please contact us at- womanadoreclub@gmail.com